
Leave a message on HMS Cleopatra guest book

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37 entries.
Geraldine Ward Aitken wrote on October 19, 2024 at 9:59 am
Hi, my Dad served on the Cleopatra from 17th April until 31st December 1945. He was a stoker 1st class his name was Patrick Thomas Ward. He was from Glasgow and would have been 21yrs old then just a boy like so many others. He passed away on the 31/01/2006.
Admin Reply by: Steve Royce-Rogers
Hi Geraldine, No doubt your Dad was serving during the Battle of Sirte. We have an active association and have some members who were onboard the Cleopatra just after that time.
Peter Loosley wrote on August 25, 2024 at 11:05 am
My Dad, Leslie William Loosley, served on Cleopatra between 1944-5. He is sadly no longer with us but I wondered if there was any way to find out the actual dates - can anyone kindly point me in the right direction to find out? By the way, for all you modelling fans out there, Trumpeter have just released a 1/350 model of the Dido class (HMS Naiad actually but very similar to Cleopatra). I have just bought one (not cheap at £80) and I am planning to build it and place next to it a framed photo of Dad on deck in uniform.
All best
Peter Loosley
Admin Reply by: Steve Royce-Rogers
Hi Peter
Thank you for contacting the HMS Cleopatra OSA. Unfortunately our records only show the history that we have gleaned on line or supplied by past and present shipmates.
To get your late father's service records, here is the link to the government website.
Steve Royce-Rogers
Hon Sec
Garrett Seiorse wrote on July 20, 2024 at 2:45 pm
Hello all. I am trying to find information about my Grandfather Joseph George J.22474 who joined complement 22/04/1919 as LD Smn. I used to have a photo of him on deck off Cleo but, I have lost it. Is there anyone who may have heard of my Gramps?
George Grant wrote on May 7, 2024 at 7:49 pm
I’m only on here because I love history and I visit churches around England and I found a grave of a man who served on hms cleopatra and died in 1882 and was buried in Barracouta harbour Russian Tartary. I can’t find mention of the ship anywhere. Can anyone help?
Denise Hanson wrote on April 5, 2024 at 12:39 pm
My uncle John Mills was on Malta during the bombing and was in the cinema that got hit, he sadly lost his life on his mums birthday, 15/2/1942, he was 22, this year myself and hubby visited the war graves on Malta and laid a poppy wreath in his grave.
Admin Reply by: Warwick Franklin
Hi Denise, A very sad story about your uncle John. We have his records on the website as you know. Service No C/SSX25096, Grave Malta Cauccini, Ref: Plot F Coll grave 89. May he Rest in Peace. Warwick Franklin Hon Sec, HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association.
Clare Greathurst wrote on February 6, 2024 at 9:37 pm
Anyone remember the name Charlie Heald? Dad was a seaman on HMS Cleopatra circa 1949/50, he also went onto serve on HMS Cygnet.
Dad is now 92 Years old
Admin Reply by: Warwick Franklin
Thank you for the message Clare. Unfortunately we now have very few members who served onboard the cruiser HMS Cleopatra (C33). One of those gentleman served on board Cleopatra from 1943-46 and is 100 years old. Another gentleman served onboard in1947 and will be 101 in May. About 5 other members served onboard between 1948-53 and they are aged in the early 90's.
Warwick Franklin wrote on December 30, 2023 at 9:52 am
Hi Edward. Thank you for the message. Your father must have served on board Cleopatra in July 1943 when she was badly damaged during enemy action. Can you tell me when your father died so I can put his name on the Cleopatra website obituary list?
Edward White wrote on December 29, 2023 at 4:36 pm
My Father was a petty officer and he served on HMS Cleopatra when it took a hit. I have his Navy photo and medals but sadly he is no longer with us. His name was George Edward White. I think his nick name was Knocker. The only thing he ever spoke about was that he lost his best friend in the attack.
Julie Thompson wrote on August 28, 2023 at 9:14 am
My Dad served on HMS Cleopatra during WW2 and loved to talk about his experiences. He was called Sam Thompson, known as Little Yorkie, because he was from York and only 5 feet 3 inches tall (I believe there was another crew member from York who, unsurprisingly, was known as Big Yorkie). He talked of going to Philadelphia and I believe met a couple who took him under their wing, as it were - he tried to trace them after the war but was unsuccessful. He told me tales of being under air attack, bombed and torpedoed and how afraid he was at times (he was born in 1921 so was very young when on board). He visited Malta after he retired and enjoyed seeing places he remembered. Sadly he died in 2001.

Thanks for setting up this guestbook. It has been really interesting to read about other people he must have known and I wish he could be here to tell me more about them.
Admin Reply by: Warwick Franklin
Hi Julie, thank you for the message about your father. HMS Cleopatra was repaired in Philadelphia after she was badly damaged in the Mediterranean in July 1943. He was probably onboard Cleopatra at the Battle of Sirte in March 1942 so he had a very eventful and dangerous time of it. We only have a few members who served on the cruiser Cleopatra and 2 of them have just celebrated their 100th birthdays. Once again, thank you for your message.
Caroline Davenport wrote on June 27, 2023 at 3:44 pm
Hello I am trying to find out about a commissioning cake that my mum - Mrs Mary Wilson cut on HMS Cleopatra.
I think it was about 1969 just before we moved to Forest Moor station in Yorkshire. My dad was CPO Eric John Wilson (Tug).
Not sure if she cut the cake because dad was the longest serving sailor but my brother, myself and my sister helped put the wasp helicopter away after the ceremony. We had so much fun. I have asked this before but the photo was not my mum. Other research comes up with Mary Wilson wife of the Harold Wilson!
My Dad served on Cleo in 1967 - 1970?
My Mum died last year so I would love to find a photo of her cutting the cake.
Any help would be lovely
Thank you
Caroline Davenport
Admin Reply by: Warwick Franklin
Hi Caroline
Thank you for the message. I did not serve on Cleopatra between 1967 - 1970 but I know quite a few sailors who did. I will try and pass your message to as many ex Cleo's as I can. Are you on Face Book? My e-mail address is:
Paul Drake wrote on February 23, 2023 at 4:28 pm
Hello, my father, Michael Frederick Drake, served on the ship between Oct 1951 and April 1952. He was a signalmen. I know he suffered health problems during his naval career but wonder if anybody knew him then or can tell me where the ship went over that period. With many thanks and regards, Paul
Ken Snape wrote on February 4, 2023 at 9:47 am
Hi I served 1976 to 1979 as CEM. Looking to contact former friends. Does anyone have any contact with A/B Jessie James from Bedford.
Jacqueline McKee wrote on January 9, 2023 at 5:48 pm
My father served on the Cleopatra in the Second World War.I believe he was a cook and was a petty officer. He was onboard during the bombing, which eventually led to an early death.
Does anyone know of him Douglas Redvers McKee.
Admin Reply by: Warwick Franklin
Thanks you for the message. I will have an ask around with members although we only have one surviving member now in the association.
Kath Mannion wrote on November 11, 2022 at 12:31 pm
Hello Warwick. He died on 5th September 1998
Admin Reply by: Warwick Franklin
Thankyou Kath.
Kath Mannion wrote on November 11, 2022 at 10:55 am
My Father Clifford Howden (sadly now dead) was Chief Petty Officer on HMS Cleopatra when it sailed into Malta - the first ship through the blockade. He and Mum went for a holiday years later and when they got back he told us the story. He said they had been bombed on the way with lives lost and they’d changed into their whites and propped some of the dead against the guns and stood to attention as they sailed into the harbour. It looked like the whole of Malta was out to cheer it’s their flags and the band were playing. He said as soon the band played “All the nice girls love a sailor” we fell out without being told “Fall Out” as we were all in tears.
Next he went on to Egypt - Alexandria where he said you could fry your egg on the pavement !
Admin Reply by: Warwick Franklin
Thank you for the message. What year did your father die in order for me to add his name to the Cleopatra obituary list.
David Brenchley wrote on October 6, 2022 at 2:46 pm
I have just received my father’s wall records he served on HMS CLEOPATRA from 17th January 1942 to 20th February 1945 he never spoke of time serving on CLEOPATRA when l asked him as small lad how did you lose your finger he would say l was mending a hole in my boat. Having read the service of HMS CLEOPATRA it made me very proud at the same very sad.
David Brenchley
PS Dad was 20yrs old
Matthew lund wrote on September 29, 2022 at 7:48 pm
My grandfather Sydney Lund served as a stoker on HMS Cleopatra (33) under Adm Philip Vian 15th cruiser Sqn. There is a photo of Cleo at Port Said, his war diary and medals at my parents house. The diary is an intense read describing events like witnessing HMS Naiad torpedoed and being fired upon by RM Littorio.
Warwick Franklin wrote on May 12, 2022 at 4:00 pm
Griff, I have sent you an e-mail. We have a plaque and tree dedicated to all who served on the 2nd World War cruiser C33) and frigate (F28).
Griff wrote on May 12, 2022 at 1:58 pm
Visited the NMA last weekend and could not find a memorial plinth/bench ot tree for HMS Cleopatra(s) do we have one? Should we consider getting one?
Warwick Franklin wrote on October 28, 2021 at 1:54 pm
Hi Buck again, I will e-mail all the joining instructions, membership list and other items of interest shortly. Can you confirm if you receive the attachments OK? Look forward to hearing from you.
buck ryan wrote on October 28, 2021 at 1:12 pm
i am interested in joining HMS Cleopatra's OSA. I have been living in South Africa for the last 40 years and we are a bit isolated even in this day and age
Warwick Franklin wrote on September 14, 2021 at 4:50 pm
Buck, are you interested in joining HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association? If you contact me I will send you the joining details. It costs only £6pa and you receive a newsletter 3 times a year plus we hold an AGM and reunion with many freebies thrown in.
buck ryan wrote on September 14, 2021 at 4:24 pm
I served on Cleo 1970- 1972, did the royal escort tour, but don't remember much. Just know it was the best ship i served on
Suzanne Jackson (maiden name Adcock) my father PO Victor Charles Adcock was killed on the Cleapatra on 16th July 1943 he is buried in Malta, I was 4 years old he was 28 when he was killed by an Italian submarine wrote on June 4, 2021 at 3:54 pm
Mrs Suzanne Jackson
Mark Hignett wrote on March 30, 2021 at 5:59 am
Tried adding my name to crew list a few times but dose not seem to get listed.
Served on F28 Cleopatra from 1978 to 1981
MEM 1 any reason its not getting added??
Warwick Franklin wrote on February 8, 2021 at 10:09 am
Thanks for the message Shaun. We would love to see the photographs you mention please. You are now a member of Face Book HMS Cleopatra OSA group.
Shaun Rutherford wrote on February 7, 2021 at 9:53 pm
My late Grandfather served on the Cleo(C33)
Petty officer Septimus Clifford Rutherford I have some photos of the Cleo and some from the ships of my grandfather and other crew members, sadly he passed away 31st of march 2006.
Stephen Boycott wrote on January 23, 2021 at 10:49 pm
My father Norman Stanley Boycott served on the Cleopatra as Capt. RM from 1941 to 1942.
He told me that Cleopatra was different to the other Dido Class cruisers by way that the Q turret was a smaller bore to the A and B turrets and was the same as the X and Y. During the Battle of Sirte when ammunition had to be carried from forward to aft to keep the X and Y guns firing.
Great work on the website.
Thank you
Trevor Bedford wrote on October 24, 2020 at 4:35 pm
My Uncle, Stanley Williams is recorded as died on 7th December 1942. His is the only death on that day and there is no recorded action or contact. Does anyone have any information as to how he died pls? His death certificate states cerebral contusion and ruptured kidney as a result of an accident. Thanks for any help
Topsy turner wrote on October 19, 2020 at 8:54 pm
Was on cleo 1985 to 1986 was my last ship.joined R N in 1970 1157 killick steward when I left.good ship good mates.
Warwick Franklin wrote on October 4, 2020 at 9:52 am
Ryan, I will contact you by e-mail shortly
Ryan Dawson wrote on October 4, 2020 at 9:47 am
A message for Carole Hartford above. My mother in law is the niece of William Copland of Bradford who died on 11/02/1942 after he was wounded while firing an anti-aircraft gun, and is buried in Malta. I think this may be the Copeland you are referring too, could you contact me on if you see this message please? Many thanks.
sandra keating wrote on August 23, 2020 at 6:21 pm
My father was on the Cleopatra during WW11 and served as a torpedo man.
His name was Arthur Tremain - Nickname Mick.
He had a friend on board called Alec Bolton.
He only ever spoke of going to Sierra Leonne. The ship being hit was news to me as it was never mentioned.

Sadly he passed away 14 years ago.
Warwick Franklin wrote on August 1, 2020 at 8:58 am
Thank you very much Andy. This is much appreciated by HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association and a wonderful addition to the archives.
Andy Pikesley wrote on July 31, 2020 at 8:26 pm
Warwick, just to let you know I have added a few items to my fathers wartime album in Galleries. Might be of interest to you. Includes A Wartime Prayer from 1943, A General Pass for Philadelphia Navy Yard 1943, A Christmas Menu aboard Cleopatra 1942, and A Variety Concert, Christmas Day 1941. Cheers. Andy
Warwick Franklin wrote on July 28, 2020 at 9:38 am
Thank you for the message Andy. I will send you an e-mail idc.
Andy Pikesley wrote on July 28, 2020 at 9:22 am
My father, Cyril Pikesley, served on HMS Cleopatra as a leading torpedoman from 10 Sep 1941 until 19 Jan 1944. He was onboard when she was torpedoed on 16 July 1943, and while unhurt he lost a good friend that day. He travelled to Philadelphia when the ship went in for repairs. He left USA in Jan 1944, getting passage home on HMS Searcher, after being posted to a new ship, HMS Kelvin. My father was born in 1922 and sadly passed away in 2000. I have so many photographs of his Navy years during WW2.

Cathy Spillard Stammer
June 22 2020
both my father…Fred Spillard and my stepfather Les Stammer served aboard the Cleo…stokers, both….they met my mother in Philadelphia during the refit, I was born in Feb 1945, Les came back, married my mother and raised me, Fred’s daughter…both are gone now…I have Les’s diary and photos of the Cleo…some of the photos give nicknames of the sailors like Knobby,Froggy etc but no forenames

Kathryn Cook
April 26 2020
I believe my grandfather served on HMS Cleopatra – George Walter Hill – I’m trying to find out some more details, can you help?

Steven Garnham
February 9 2020
My Dad was Sam Garnham and was onboard during the torpedo incident and crossed to Philadelphia for the refit. He met my mother in Philadelphia and post-war they were married in Swansea Wales. My sister and brother were both born in the UK and I was born in Philadelphia in 1953 when they all returned to the States. Dad passed in 2008 but I have fond memories of his stories of being aboard ship.

Warwick Franklin
January 3 2020
Dear Caroline and Chris. Many thanks for the message. I will send you an e-mail tomorrow regarding the diary. What a great piece of HMS Cleopatra cruiser WW2 history.Regards Warwick Franklin Hon Sec HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association.

Caroline and Chris Pond
January 3 2020
We have spent spare time at Christmas transcribing a 95-page diary left by our father/f in law Harold Copeman, 1920-2015, who was a coder on the Cleo (C33) from commissioning at Hebburn to 28 May 1943 when he was promoted onto flag staff as L/coder. The diary was apparently kept against regs, rolled up in his hammock. He mentions a lot of shipmates, including his best pal, Bob (Jock) Weir. Are you by any chance in touch with Jock’s family? He also had a camera, and we have a series of his photos, some of ships and bombing, others of people. We are thinking of publishing all this, partly as a tribute to him on the centenary of his birth, and partly to all who served on the Cleo on WW2. Thanks vm for your website. Can provide more details if you wish

Warwick Franklin
November 23 2019
Jackie, thank you for your kind words. I have sent you an e-mail message.

Jackie MacGregor
November 19 2019
My Uncle Leslie Gordon Aldred served on the HMS Cleopatra and was killed on July 23, 1943 with 20 others when torpedoed by an Italian submarine, He had gone on watch early to relieve a shipmate who had a cold. He was buried at sea. My grandmother never got over his death and my Mom always missed him terribly. He was 22 and on his way home to be married. So glad to have found this site. Thank you to all who served…we will never forget.

Warwick Franklin
November 18 2019
‘BR226 would indicate that it is for naval ordnance. Wiggy (Mark Wigg) could be on the right trail, a flare would be about that length. FL Mk5 (Flare Mk5) 2R , maybe red…….. (91) the year. message received on face book from a former Jack Dusty who served on Cleopatra.

Roger Edwards
November 12 2019
Just found a small wooden box with the words “HMS CLEOPATRA spares,2R.F.L.Mk 5.B.R.226 B ( 91). The box is 4 1/8″ x 3 1/2″ x 7” long . I wonder what it was used for ? Best Regards Roger Edwards

Ken Grant
September 23 2019
Hi Warwick I, m trying to get back into Cleopatra, s OSA When I click join it does nothing. Hope you and your family are well. Best regards Ken

Warwick Franklin
September 11 2019
Hi David, thanks for the message. I see you are on the HMS Cleopatra F28 Face Book group. Can I suggest you send the same request on that site. We have several members in that group who served on Cleo at the same time as you. Also. are you interested in joining HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association as a fully paid up member (£6pa). You might be interested in the next Cleopatra reunion at Southsea in May as I think you live in the Pompey area.C

David pettitt
September 11 2019
Hi Warwick Do you know where I could buy some Photos of Cleo during her tour of the Far east 1970/71, or when she was out in the states just before.Many thanks Dave

David Boden
July 16 2019
We have had an enquirer asking about the original commissioning party 4 Jan 1966 her mother cut the commissioning cake and she is looking for a photograph can anyone help me

Carole Harford
July 15 2019
Albert “Blackie” Blackhurst was my father who served aboard Cleopatra 33 1941- 43 .. we are trying to assemble the days he served. He didn’t speak about it much. We have a hand written diary that we believe belonged to Ord Copeland who was mortally wounded on the way to Malta. We would love to return it to the Copeland family if anyone knows them.

David pettitt
uly 14 2019
Hi this is a call to Ken Grant (general)a chef on Cleo 1970 to 1973. Do you remember me mate.D J I was a cook on-board but did slot of shore patrol’s as when we got back from Far east I went to do my reg course??do you remember Scouse the killick chef get in touch buddy!!! Dave

Ian Curzon-Berners
June 21 2019
Trying to find out some details about my late father. Alex Curzon-Berners. Have found out he was on the Cleopatra 1945. He was an Able Seaman. Was also on the Manxman

Warwick Franklin
June 7 2019
Christopher, I have sent you an e-mail.

Mr christopher butler
June 6 2019
Just wondering if anybody remembered my dad Rupert Butler he was on the gun on the Cleopatra he told me they were one of the first ships in to Singapore. He came home on HMS Sussex.

Warwick Franklin
February 8 2019
Paul, your message will be displayed on the HMS Cleopatra OSA and HMS Cleopatra F28 Face Book site. You may strike lucky.

Paul Miles
February 7 2019
Hello I was wandering if anyone can remember serving with my dad. He served on the Cleo from 1969-1972 (I think) he was a REM, nickname smiler (I think). He passed away 12 and a half years ago, any info would be great. Thanks

Warwick Franklin
December 28 2018
Dear Margaret, I have replied to you message by e-mail.

Margaret Keogh
December 28 2018
My uncle Denis Mitchell died on 11.02.42 on the Cleopatra. There is no asterisk next to his cross. Why is that? Also we regularly over the years have holidayed on the isle of arran. On a visit to their heritage museum one year we noticed the picture of the Cleopatra along with other ships which said it was on work-up exercises before heading to Malta in 1942. It showed it anchored just off Holy Isle at Lamlash which is where we often stayed. Would the crew that went out to Malta have been on the ship at that time? My mother remembers Denis going to Scotland but no other information was known. The family eventually visited Denis’s grave around 1990 at Kalkara Cemetary (Capuccini).

Warwick Franklin
December 7 2018
Natalie, thank you for the message. We have no more information except that I have a photograph of Ord Sea Walker’s grave at Capuccini, Malta which I will e-mail to you.

December 7 2018
Hi, i’m after information on Ordinary Seaman, W. Walker. I believe he was my Grandad’s brother and served in World War 2. My Grandad would travel to Malta to pay his respects to him as he was one who sadly lost his life.

Warwick Franklin
November 25 2018
I have contacted Audrey McKee and given her some information.

Audrey Mckee
Sunday, November 25 2018
I wonder if anyone can help. My mum’s uncle was killed on Cleopatra when she was torpedoed on 16/7/1943. I saw a casualty list some time ago and it appears that he was the only person listed as ‘missing believed driwned’, rather than killed. He was Corporal Richard Alfred Larkin’s, known as Alf and I believe he was a PT instructor. His late wife never knew any of the circumstances of that day and I’d love to be able to give my mum some idea of what happened. I’d be grateful to hear from anyone who might have any information. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Audreymckee@hotmail.con

Rob Brown
Tuesday, November 20 2018
You must be the Baz Hambelton that served in the Cleo 70/73 and then at Collingwood. I remember the Tommy Cooper he was the mc at sods operas I think he was a chef. Buster Brown REM/ALREM, happy times

Lydia Ann McGarry
Thursday, October 18 2018
My dad John Malcolm Beck seved on the Cleo from 1944 onwards til the end of war. He was a radar operator. His nick name was Popeye as he was a boxer on board. He talked alot about places he visited. He talked about staying in America while waiting for repairs and he worked in the campbells soup factory. He also said they escorted the King. Queen and 2 princesses to Africa. Sadly he suffered with Huntingtons and has passed away but would be so proud to be remembered here. He was proud to serve on the Cleo. Please can you add him to your crew list. Many thanks Ann

clive matthews
Tuesday, September 18 2018
Hi, my father served on Cleo during WWII. Anthony (Tony) Matthews, I believe he served from 1940 through to being demobbed. He has memories of being based in Alexandria and Malta and also visiting Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Melanie Milward
Wednesday, August 22 2018
I have only recently started exploring the life of my great uncle, Cyril Mountford, who died on the Cleopatra on 16.07.43. I was very surprised to then see a large brass plate of HMS Cleopatra on the wall of a pub in Lamorna as part of their naval memorabilia on my holiday to Cornwall last week.

Warwick Franklin
Tuesday, July 24 2018
Yes Barry it was me that did the comperes job as Tommy Cooper after several tots in the senior rates mess unfortunately I couldn’t remember a lot.

Barry Hambelton
Monday, July 23 2018
Is that the same Ken Grant that did the Tommy Cooper slot at the Sod’s Opera, if so do you remember “The Gan Can” ditty?? Baz OEM.

Friday, May 11 2018
Hello! I hope you can help I’m in my quest! My dad served on the HMS Cleopatra in the mid to late 60’s and worked in the engine room. His name is Fred Evans. He’s turning 70 soon and I was really hoping to find someone that may remember him? I know it might be a long shot as not too much info, but thought I would give it a go!

Tony Fayers
Wednesday, April 11 2018
Dad, CPO Ted Fayers, served on Cleo 49-53. The family joined him in Malta 1952-53. My first school was HMS Verdala. We lived at 37 Falcon Street, Sliema. Dad came home on Cleo but we, and other RN Families flew back on a Pegasus Airlines Viking, crossing channel at time of Storm and East Coast Flood in ‘53..who had the ‘roughers’ ?

Warwick Franklin
Monday, January 29 2018
Hi Jon Hale, I have e-mailed you a message.

Jon Hale
Sunday, January 28 2018
I believe our father (Cliff Hale) served on HMS Cleopatra towards the end of WWII, probably from 1943/4 until being demobbed. He mentioned the torpedo strike near Malta, but did not talk in detail about his time in the navy. He passed away in 2012, but if anyone has any recollections or photos from this period, it would be great to hear something.

Steven Gallagher
Thursday, December 28 2017
Looking for my dad. Recently passed away. Served on cleopatra. A radio operator around 1967. Any information would be greatly appreciated thankyou. He was from Liverpool. Lived in Allerton for a number of years. Born 15 August 1946

david scott
Thursday, December 21 2017
My dad served on the Cleopatra. it was his favourite ship during the war. His name was Charlie Scott (leading seaman) based at Chatham. My mother was a wren based in Liverpool at that time. Dad died five years ago in Nelson New Zealand.

Warwick Franklin
Thursday, November 16 2017
Dear Christian, I have replied to your message. Hope this helps

Christian Senior
Wednesday, November 15 2017
My Grandfather , William Senior , served on HMS Cleopatra , and won the DSM during the Second Battle of Sirte , Feb 1942. He was born 1900 , so would have been 42 years old and was a Chief Stoker. Sadly he died in 1967 , when I was a little boy. I have never seen his citation , and would love to see the Ship´s log from this action. If anyone has any information , please get in touch. Christiandsenior at hotmail dot com.

Ken Grant
Sunday, November 12 2017
I served on Cleopatra 1970 to 1973.we were escorts to the Royal Yatch,far east and the West indies.remember one port of call the British Virginia Islands.the only thing that baffles me that if you try to find the ships log for this period it is missing.I would appreciate if you could enlighten me. Kind regards Ken

Paul Wright
Monday, July 3 2017
I have been told by my grandmother that my late grandfather Earnest J. Wright served on HMS Cleopatra during the war and post war as a chef/cook. I would love to hear from anyone with any information whatsoever about him or the ship during this period. Unfortunately he passed away in 1987.

Lee Barrass
Sunday, June 11 2017
Hi all, I believer my grandfather served on the ship! He was a cook.. be nice to hear if anyone knew him, Regards Lee

Paul Daubney
Saturday, May 20 2017
Hi all. I recieved a letter this morning from ‘Fes’. It was adressed to Paul Daubney (Daubs) ex HMS Cleopatra comms debt. It mentions that Ed, Mo and Fes of the ‘crapstone crew’ are looking for me. I am sure that it is not me that they are looking for but I am intrigued if this has any connection with your contacts. Please let me know Paul

Graham Mowlam
Monday, April 24 2017
Hi, I believe my grandfather served on Cleopatra between 42/43, his name was John Robert Mowlam, but was know as ‘Bob’. He did not talk much about his war service but remember him saying how fond and proud of the ship he was (it was his first ship at 18 after conscription). He was on board when she was torpedoed and was part of the crew that made it to the U.S where he was given new placement. Unfortunately he passed away in 1999, but would be proud if you add he to your crew roster. Many Thanks Graham Mowlam

Warwick Franklin
Monday, February 22 2016
Hi Pincher, if you e-mail me your address I’ll send you all the details about joining HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association.

Ian (Pincher) Martin
Saturday, January 23 2016
Hello one and all ex Cleo’s. I was a killick stoker on Cleo 1979 / 80 so if anybody remembers me it would be great to hear from you. Fond memories of a great ship.

Wednesday, January 20 2016
Hello, I believe my father served on HMS Cleopatra before serving on submarines. Approx years of service 1948-1957. Dose any body remember Cliff? Thankyou Val, daughter.

Danny Hendry
Sunday, January 10 2016
Hi there shipmate. I served on the old girl June 1977 to late 1979. I was a LS(m). My oppos were Geoff Roberts, Jake Kelly, Matt McKinnon, jock McGregor, Taff Roberts plenty more but I can’t remember them all. I would like to join the association can you please send me some information. Regards. Danny

Warwick Franklin
Wednesday, December 23 2015
When was your father on HMS Cleopatra Sally?

Sally White (nee Searle) Wednesday, December 23 2015
Also, would love to see any pictures of crew etc to see if I can find dad(Bill Searle) in them – my email is Thank you.

Sally White (nee Searle)
Wednesday, December 23 2015
My Dad (William Searle, known as Bill) was on the Cleopatra. He had 2 friends on board but I cant remember their names offhand but along with Dad they were known as the ‘Three Musket Beers’!! Ring a bell with anybody??

John Coffey
Friday, December 11 2015
I am looking for Peter Gallagher, a radioman on board 3 June 1969. He contacted us in 2012, but due to computer failure, I lost his info. If you have any info, please have him contact me at I am the communication director for the USS FRANK E EVANS (DD754)and would love to communicate with him. Than you!

John Parris
Sunday, November 15 2015
Hi with regards to the George morralee request (Sydney to Newcastle relay) I have some old press cuttings from the Newcastle herald that I kept from the ships visit I will gladly pass them on you can forward my email address to him.George features in two of the cuttings one outside the town hall and the other serving drinks from the bar in the po’s mess

Mel Dudley
Monday, October 26 2015
Hello. My father (Aubrey Thomas Walter Dudley) served aboard the Cleopatra. He told me of the day the torpedo struck the ship, and sadly he lost his best friend (cookie). then the 2 ships shadowing them into malta, i think he told me they abandoned ship, due to fires, then reboarded her and put the fires out, and the 2 ships sandwiched cleo, and took her back to malta, im sure there was a mention of a second torpedo strike, I was wondering if there is any photographs of the ships crew, before the attack, please

Warwick Franklin
Sunday, September 13 2015
I have sent you an e-mail Geoff.

Geoff Moore
Sunday, September 13 2015
Hello. My grandfather, sadly now passed, served on the Cleopatra during the second world war during it’s operations in Malta. I believe he was a carpenter. His name was Geoff Finch although he doesn’t seem to appear on the list of past crew. My uncle has some photos etc and I shall contact him to see if he could scan them in and send them to you.

Warwick Franklin
Saturday, July 25 2015
Hi Tom,I have sent you all the info as requested. You will be surprised how quickly you will make new friends within the association especially if you go to any of our annual reunions. Look at the photos in the Reunion section and you will understand. You won’t regret joining I can promise you that.

Tom Carmichael
Saturday, July 25 2015
Served from 1975 -1979 good times along with some not so good but loved it anyway . Not many names i recognise within your membership .

Warwick Franklin
Friday, June 05 2015
James, I have sent you an e-mail. I presume you are interested in joining HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association?

James Brocki
Friday, June 05 2015
served on this old girl 80-81 stoker

Warwick Franklin
Wednesday, May 20 2015
I have sent you an e-mail Thomas. I presume you want to join the association?

Thomas Iain Carmichael
Wednesday, May 20 2015
servrd on Cleo from 1975 – 1979 great ship wasan MEM – LMEM

Neil Bavin
Monday, May 18 2015
HELLO My dad HARRY BAVIN from scunthorpe served in the royal navy from 1940 to 1946. He served on the HMS Cleopatra from February 1945 to November 1945.Does any body have any pictures of sailors taken on board the Cleopatra during this period.thankyou

Cathy Spillard Stammer McGill
Friday, April 10 2015
Hello Steve Garnham… story is almost identical to yours….my dad was serving on the Cleo when it came to Philly, he met my mother and they had to leave suddenly on May 30 1944…and then wound up on convoy in the Mediterranean….I was born in Philly

Dave Mchale
Saturday, March 28 2015
best time,s great captains great ships company proud to serve on cleo twice

Warwick Franklin
Monday, March 16 2015
Hi Chris, I have sent you and e-mail.

Chris Drury
Thursday, March 12 2015
Morning all. On my Fathers death i inherited a very large collection of 1/1250 scale model ships (approx 700 models). They are hand made in wood and date from the fifties. Having no place to display them and with my Mothers blessing i am selling them through E.bay. I was just about to list HMS CLEOPATRA(33)when i came across your site.If anyone is interested or indeed the Association itself please contact me via my E-mail and i will send pictures. I will not list this on E.bay for now to give you and your members first chance. Regards Chris

Steven Garnham
Saturday, January 24 2015
My dad, samuel garnham,was a crewmember in 1943 and part of crew that sailed to Philadelphia after being torpedoed July 43. He met my mother there and she went to Wales after war where they were married. He returned to Philadelphia in 1953 with my mother,sister and brother and I was born in Phila that year.

Warwick Franklin
Thursday, November 06 2014
I have sent you an e-mail wilsonc87.

Wednesday, November 05 2014
Hi, this is a bit of a long shot but i wonder whether anyone can help. I am trying to find information about my grand father Michael John Wilson (Tug). I know he served on the Cleopatra during WWII in Malta. I know the ship was torpedoed and badly damaged whilst he was serving. I know he served in the chatham division royal marines and pardon my lack of knowledge but i believe he manned a large gun on the ship? In fact you may be interested to know that prior to his death in 1980 he wrote down his memories whilst serving on cleopatra and they are very interesting. Any information on him would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Warwick Franklin
Sunday, November 02 2014
Hi Ken, I presume you want to join the association. I have sen tyou an e-mail.

Ken Parkin
Friday, October 31 2014
Hi all on cleopatra as j seaman RP 67- 70

Warwick Franklin
Friday, October 03 2014
Hello George. That’s strange. Maybe if you send me a message by e-mail ( we can link up that way. Then I’ll resend all the attachments again.

Morralee George TASI
Friday, October 03 2014
Hello Warwick No EMail yet

Warwick Franklin
Tuesday, September 30 2014
Hi George, I am sending you an e-mail message

Morralee George TASI
Monday, September 29 2014
Can anyone remember the Relay Run for Sydney to Newcastle.

Ray Mitchell
Monday, August 25 2014
does anyone recall a john wilkinson that served on cleopatra

Warwick Franklin
Friday, August 08 2014
So do you want to join HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association Steve.

Steve Thompson
Thursday, August 07 2014
Dear Shipmates, I was on the Cleapatra, from 1977-79, did the far east tour, hong kong etc

Warwick Franklin
Thursday, July 24 2014
Hi Robert The Cleopatra (frigate) bell is stored at Yeovilton RNAS museum. I suggest you contact them as they may be able to help you out with your request.

Robert W. Cattrell
Thursday, July 24 2014
Hi. Nice site. I was christened on HMS Cleopatra in 1971. Apparently my name is engraved on the ships bell, and I was wondering if there are any close up photos of the bell. Best regards. Robert cattrell

Wednesday, July 09 2014
served on Cleo 75-78 great ship great far east trip

Patricia McLaughlin Thursday, July 03 2014
Can anyone give me any details on hms cleopatra mt dad James McLaughlin was on it he died when he was 38 and I was 5 I don’t know much about him or the ship can anyone enlighten me please thank you

Shirley Bird
Saturday, June 28 2014
My father, John Wilkinson – I believe better known to crew mates as ‘Geordie’ due to his north east routes served on HMS Cleopatra in 1942 in Malta. He was a wireless telegraphist and remembered morse code till the day he died 15.1.2011. I am currently in Malta on holiday and researching any info I can get about the Cleopatra and crew mates. My Dad only ever talked about how lucky he was to be alive as the day his wireless station was taken out by enemy attack he was late to the station as he needed to go to the toilet and bumped into a crew mate who told him that the captain didn’t want him to go to that station and to go to a different one. Minutes later it was blown up. He would not have survived if he’d been there. I’d be grateful if any one has any record they’d be happy to share or photos. The only one I have was taken in Gibraltar with a Scottish crew mate he referred to fondly as Jock.

Warwick Franklin
Sunday, June 22 2014
Dear John, I have sent you an e-mail.

John Ashcroft
Saturday, June 21 2014
My father,john(jack)ashcroft served on the cleo from 1940, when he joined her aged 19 at Hebburn, to 1943. He went through all the action in the Med with her and I have some photos of him and the crew. He became a petty officer and was wounded in one of the engagements with the Italian fleet. He passed away in 1994.He later served on HMS Leonian in the far east as Quartermaster. I would love to meet anyone still with us who might have been a shipmate. Is it possible to get to the coming reunion in Liverpool please?

Eric Smith
Saturday, April 19 2014
my father was on the Cleopatra in 1943-45 his name was Cyril John Smith known as Jack. I think he was a stoker. Anyone remember him? please let me know.

Drew Cuthbert
Saturday, April 12 2014
Hi all,I served on Cleo from 84 to 86 as a Killick Golly,would like to get I’m touch with old shipmates. Have already spoke to Mo Morris and Scouse Long. Feel free to drop me a line.

Paul Beckett
Thursday, April 10 2014
I hope you can help I have my grandfather’s navel record. On this it says that he served on the Cleopatra from 1st Jan 1943 to 25May 1944. His name was chief stoker William Beckett also known as Harry. He was awarded the British Empire Medal at the end of this year I also wonder if this was from something he done on this ship. Unfortunately he never spoke about his war days like many others. So unfortunately his tales went to the grave with him. Also is there anywhere else I can get anymore information on his navel past. Many thanks for any help you can give me. Paul

Wednesday, April 09 2014
Hi, I’m trying to find information on John Paskin known as Jack, I know he was on the Cleopatra in 1934 as I have a letter he sent his brother. I have so many wonderful photos too but sadly unable to identify people, places, ship, etc…

Gareth Baliss
Tuesday, March 18 2014
Joined Cleo 1971-73 first ever draft.don’t remember much .think got slides somewhere

Saturday, March 01 2014
Hello there everyone, I’m hoping someone can help me. My grandad was called Stanley James Coleman, known as Jim or James, he was an Engineer on the HMS cleopatra when it was torpedoed, he survived but was sadly taken by lung cancer when I was young so I never got chance to find out much about him. I’d love to know more! He was born in harrogate, North Yorkshire and always lived in the area. His wife died when he was young and he raised my dad, Alan Coleman, and his siblings, Christine, pat, Stuart and Susan Coleman. I know it’s a long shot with the lack of information I have but if anyone knew him or anything about him id really appreciate it If you would get in touch, thankyou very much

Barbara Cullis
Tuesday, February 25 2014
my father albert fowler and his brother served on cleo but cannot find any info and is not on the list,only william fowler not albert,can any one help me,as they have both passed away

Warwick Franklin
Tuesday, February 18 2014
Dear Allen, I have e-mailed you a message.

Allen Dodge
Monday, February 17 2014
Tues 11 Feb 2014, HMS Cleopatra`s plaque presented to the Maritime and Military Museum in Malta. Officials : Senior Curator, Collections Manager and Curator at Malta Heritage receive Cleo`s plaque.Plaque presented in memory of former Royal Marine William John Thorogood (gunner).Photo`s taken..

Warwick Franklin
Thursday, January 30 2014
Dear Steve, Thank you for the message. We have a few members who were on Cleopatra at the same time as your father. I will publish your request in the next newsletter which comes out in March. If you have any naval photos which you would like me to show in the newsletter,I would be happy to do it.
Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary
HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association

Stephon Hunt
Wednesday, January 29 2014
Hi I wonder if anyone knew our dad who served on HMS Cleopatra from around 1948 to 1950 and we think HMS Theseus 1950 to 1951 and HMS Mull of Kintyre around 1951 to 1955, his name was Clifford Edward Hunt (Cliffe) he sadly passed away in 1998 we are trying to trace his Navy Life for our mum who is getting on in the years now if anyone knows him please get in contact me on my email i would be veary gratefull. thanks in advance Steve Hunt

Peter Davison
Friday, January 03 2014
Hi I wonder if anyone knew my dad who served on HMS Cleopatra from around 1949 to around 1955.His name was Edward (Ted) Davison he was a leading seaman.I don’t know a great deal but I believe he competed in the inter forces athletics comps,discus and Javalin.He was good friends with a Peter Wiffen from Newcastle. My dad was from Sunderland.He was in Malta,Singapore and I know he had to play a German seaman whe they made the movie Sailor to the King the story of leading seaman Brown.Thats about all I know sadly he died in 2004 aged 74 thank you Peter

David Wilson
Monday, December 23 2013
Hello, just a note to say my father served on this ship Kenneth Wilson from Burnley, Lancashire. I have never looked for information regarding this until today!

Warwick Franklin
Tuesday, December 10 2013
Hi David, I have sent you an e-mail.
Warwick Franklin
Hon Sec

Dave Middleton
Tuesday, December 10 2013
my dad was on Cleopatra ,duke of York, fox hound and superb, he got 6 medals with long service one, he was master at arms at one time, and RPO AT WATERLOO station in 50s- he was Chatham ratting, have got some photos he was david g w middleton 1937 to 1953, hes gone now but would still like a quick run a shore

Warwick Franklin
Monday, November 11 2013
Hi Grant, I have sent you an e-mail.

Grant Wheeler
Friday, November 08 2013
I was wondering if anyone remembers my uncle Sydney Wheeler

Warwick Franklin
Tuesday, October 29 2013
Hi Yorky, I have e-mailed you.

Tuesday, October 29 2013
I was on cleo 1975=1978 1st commision after conversion to exocet

Warwick Franklin
Monday, October 14 2013
Dear Dan, did you receive the e-mail I sent you ref: your message?

Dan Marshall
Thursday, October 10 2013
My uncle, George Battison served on HMS Cleopatra during WWII and I have recently found some memorabilia related to his time. I remember that he was torpedoed en-route to Malta and I have some photos of him in Malta. Is there any interest is such items?

Warwick Franklin
Sunday, September 29 2013
I have e-mailed Keith Robinson and taking it from there.

Keith Robinson
Sunday, September 29 2013
My Father who has sadly passed away told me he was on the Clopatra. His name was George John Robinson. Does anyone remember my Dad please? He never talked about the war much but my sister has a few photos. One I think was taken in Aden and he had a pet monkey.

Warwick Franklin
Tuesday, August 20 2013
Hi Patricia, I do indeed remember you and the photographs you kindly sent me several years ago. I have the photographs somewhere and will have a look around. Give me a couple of days and I will find them and return them to you. All the best.

Patricia Mclaughlin
Tuesday, August 20 2013
hello mr warwick i dont know if you remember me i sent you some photo,s of the cleopatra my dad served on his name was james mclaughlin you did send me a newsletter with the photo,s in which i sent to my sister who has misplaced them?i would it be possible to have another copy or copy of photo,s i sent you. i realy would like to know the service of the cleopatra wghen my dad was on board, he died at 38 when i was 5 and i never got to know where his ship was??? i,v heard several different stories? thank you i hope you are well patricia mclaughlin

Warwick Franklin
Monday, August 12 2013
Hi Phil, I will nudge the Cleo webmasters who will I am sure assists you to connect up with us. If you are interested in joining HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association properly (as you should do)and be a full member contact me on my e-mail address.
Regards Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

Phil Brennan
Monday, August 12 2013
Hiya Wingers, Heck I havn’t used that expression in years. I was in Cleo (F28)from 71-73, Simonstown up to taking her into Refit. I have tried to join Cleo’s site, but cannot, please may I have another email address to try again, it just will not go the “Default” channel ! Yours Aye Phil Brennan

Warwick Franklin
Monday, August 05 2013
Dear Colin
Thanks you very much for the message. What you have sent is very interesting to our association and would be of great interest. It would be wonderful if you could scan the document to my e-mail address please and will publish it in the next newsletter which comes out in November. Kind regards
Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary
HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association

Colin Shaw
Monday, August 05 2013
From time to time when going through my late fathers things I come across this account, below, of his service om Cleopatra that might be of interest. CPO (cook) Albert Arthur Shaw C/M36535 served on Cleopatra from its commissioning, through it trauma in the Med and was one of the crew who afterwards took it across to Philadelphia for repair. It would seem the account was prepared for an article in Sunday Pictorial but I have no idea whether it was ever published. I have scanned the document below which I hope is readable. I could send it as an Email attachment if I had an address.
Regards Colin Shaw
A. A. Shaw,
72, Carlton Avenue,

18th February, I960.
The Ship that wouldn’t die.
I commissioned the H.M.S. “Cleopatra” in 1941, a brand new Ship from Hebburn-on-Tyne. The Ship proceeded to Scapa Flow for Gunnery Trials etc., as the Ship’s Company were all new to her.
After the Trials we proceeded to Greenock to ammunition ship and the noticeable thing was the excessive amount we took aboard. All magazines were choked and Torpedo War Heads were stowed on the Upper Deck.
Having put to sea the Captain told the Ship’s Company that we were on our way to Malta, thence Alexandria and the ammunition were spares for the Squadron we were to join, also we were not going the soft way, round the Cape, but the hard way and his intention was to blast his way there. We oiled at Gib. and then into the Med. peace for two days, then the bombing started from dawn to dusk.
On arrival at Malta we were attacked by 3 – Ju.88’s. One bomb wiped out the Pom-Poms Crew, another went through the Focs’le, passed through one of the Magazines causing a fire and finished up by exploding underneath the ship, causing water to be blown back through the hole it had made and put the fire out. The bomb that killed the guns crew set fire to the War Heads on the Upper Deck and they were promptly got rid of over the side. We went into dock at Malta to be repaired and the ship’s bottom was like corrugated iron (due to the bomb exploding).
Eventually we sailed for Alex, the Squadron picked us up the next day and the fun began again. H.M.S. Sfiad was sunk on that trip. After doing runs of convoy, things were getting desperate at Malta so we convoyed 4 ships with a con-siderable number of other war Ships; met -the – � Italian Fleet twice in one day and got hit with a shell on the Top Bridge. This shell wiped out all those abaft the casing on the Bridge, yet Admiral Yian, the Captain and other officers on the Bridge were not touched. After taking part in a few bombardments we patrolled the Straits of Massina after the Army had landed in Italy. The morning the Patrol finished we were heading back to Malta at full speed when a Torpedo hit us, the ship heeled over and we thought that was our lot, but she righted herself and we managed to reach Malta and when we docked we had lost a complete engine room and boiler room and the hole in the ship’s side was 30 feet long, reaching to the keel. By all laws of average she should have “broke in two, “but it was assumed that the 6 in. armoured belt locked itself “by the force of the explosion and kept the ship whole. We finished up in America for complete repairs and as a fighting ship.
I left the ship in 1945- She carried on this Service and was “broken up 2 years ago.
Incidentally the Latin inscription stands for – “Unconquered till the End”.
A. A. Shaw.
Ex C.P.O., R.N.
“Sunday Pictorial”,

Rory Curtis
Monday, September 27 2010
Dear Warwick, Sorry about the delay in replying. John Felgate Stevens was Captain of HMS Cleopatra (33) in World War II from August 1942 to July 1943 (when she was torpedoed by the Italian submarine Dandolo on 16 July 1943 and badly damaged). He later became Vice Admiral Sir John Felgate Stevens.
Best, Rory

Warwick Franklin
Tuesday, August 24 2010
Dear Melvin, Thank you for the message. We have several members who were on Cleo at the same time as your grandfather. If you e-mail me I will give you details of one or two of them who I’m sure will help you out.
Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

Melvin Ridway
Monday, August 23 2010
Hi, My Grandfather served on HMS Cleopatra as a Signaler during the war – His Name Was William Lumley. His Navy Records show he joined the ship in November 1941. I know he was in the far east during the end of the war and arrived in Australia in 1945. Did the Cleopatra Sail to Australia around this time as there seems to be no record of this in his navy records
Best Regards

Warwick Franklin
Sunday, August 22 2010
Dear Anita, Thank you for the message. I will publish your message in the November newsletter. If you contact me using my e-mail address I can put you in contact with one of our members who was a stoker onboard Cleo at the same time as your uncle.
Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

Anita Brown
Friday, August 20 2010
Hello, My uncle served on HMS Cleopatra and died on the 16th July 1943 when the ship was hit. My father is 83 year of age and would be so pleased if anyone who served on board with his brother and knew him or anything about him. My uncle’s name was Percy William Collins and he was a stoker. He was 22 years of age when he died – there is an entry in the site memorial book; my father talks about him often and how kind he was to him. Thank you!

Warwick Franklin
Tuesday, August 17 2010
Dear Debbie, Thank you for the message. Do you have any more details about your husband’s grandfather including the branch he was in and rate etc… The more information the better really and hopefully we will be able to help you. Does the diary mention anything about his time on Cleo?
Warwick Franklin Honorary Secretary

Debbie Wright

Tuesday, August 17 2010 Hello, did anyone know my husbands grandfather Walter Stewart he was on the C33 HMS Cleopatra in the Malta Convoys, Battle of Sirte and Sicily. I think he worked in the magazine, he survived and passed away in the 60’s in an accident. Any info would be gratefully received about what his job would have involved. I already have a bit of a diary that he wrote whilst away but he didnt go into big detail. Thankyou

Warwick Franklin
Friday, August 13 2010
Dear Carole, Can you give us some more details about your father please. When was he on Cleo, what branch was he and his full name. I’m sure we may be able to help you out.
Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

Carole Sanders
Thursday, August 12 2010
My dad served on c33 cleopatra and we have recently realised how much he did. We have many photos and a letter authored by someone called raymond. We beleive it to be a form of diary and may have been asked for it to be passed on but never was. We’d love to share these and would love to reunite the letter with Raymonds family if it was posible. Any ideas???

Cathy Stammer
Thursday, August 05 2010
Does anyone know my dad-s? 1940-1945…anyone remember Les Stammer CPO or Fred Spillard…stoker?…anyone remember repairs in Philadelphia Navy Yard?.

Warwick Franklin
Wednesday, July 21 2010
Dear Rory, When did Commander Stevens serve onboard Cleo?
Warwick Franklin

Rory A Curtis
Monday, July 19 2010
I am the great-nephew of Commander John Stevens. My aunt, his daughter, is alive and well,living in Hwaii. I just visited her. She sends her regards! Does anyone have any information, stories or anecdotes about him?
Best wishes, Rory Curtis.

Warwick Franklin
Wednesday, June 23 2010
Dear Peter, I will publish your e-mail in our next newsletter which will be out in a couple of weeks time. We have one or two members who were onboard at that time.
Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

E Peter Walker
Wednesday, June 23 2010
Ref- Chief ERA- Edward (Ted)Walker-killed in Malta bombong raid in 1943 after HMS Cleopatra had got back to Malta following direct torpedo hit to engines….Anyone remember him?

Warwick Franklin
Tuesday, June 01 2010
Dear Steve, Good to hear from you again. I think the best way for you to forward them to me is to e-mail them to me with a caption for each one. Think it should work. The association is very grateful to you for doing this and the photo’s will be a great record for us. I will forward Aubrey’s e-mail address to you.
Kindest regards

Warwick Franklin
Sunday, April 25 2010
Dear “Dennis”, we now know for certain that the ship’s bell is at RNAS Yeovilton. You must know John (Henry) Cooper who was also a seacat maintainer on the Cleo at the same time as you were? He is a member of the association. Why don’t you join the association yourself just let me know if you are interested.
Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

Dave “Dennis” Wheatley
Sunday, April 25 2010
Seacat section POWEA / CPOWEA 1985-1989 both children christened in the bell.

Warwick Franklin
Saturday, April 17 2010
Dear Slinger, Thanks for the message. Were you a LS(S) onboard at the time? If you were, then I relieved you onboard after the ship returned from the Far East. Please scan it and could you send it to my e-mail address. Would you also like to join the association Slinger?
Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

Andrew Woods
Thursday, April 15 2010
Hi All, I have the old news letter sent to all the families in 1978 regarding the far east deployment, of which i was involved .it mentions all and is a really nice memory to all who were on that deployment. I am happy to scan and upload to the website if you would like it.

Saturday, April 03 2010
hi all my grandad percy hopkins (stoker)was on the cleopatra in ww11 i’d love to now if anyone as any pics and /or information that could help me with meny thanks

Warwick Franklin
Thursday, March 18 2010
Dear Christine, I think you have all the details that are required. You need to contact:
Navy Pay and Pensions (Accounts)
Centurion Building
Grange Road
PO13 9XA
Tel: 02392 2702324
They should be able to help. Can you lety me know how you got on?

Christine Hadwick
Wednesday, March 17 2010
The date of birth for my father is 16/10/1902 official number was c/m 34319 he was on HMS Cleopatra from 9/9/1942
Regards Christine

Warwick Franklin
Monday, March 08 2010
Dear Christine, Have you any more info, ie, Official No, dates etc. which might help.
Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

Christine Hadwick
Friday, March 05 2010
Looking for information about my father Anthony Gerard Williams who served as shipwright on HMS Cleopatra.

Warwick Franklin
Monday, February 22 2010
Dear Donna, Thank you for the message. I will publish your letter in the April newsletter and hopefully someone will be able to help. If you have any photos of your grandfather on the Cleo, they would be a great addition to our website collection.
Regards Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

Donna Porter
Sunday, February 21 2010
Hi All, My family have recently been going through some of my Grandad’s old photos and documents. He served on HMS Cleopatra during the second world war as a Stoker. His name was Alf Rhodes, is there anyone who remembers him or has pictures of him? It would be great to be able to put more of a story to his photos too.
Here’s hoping!

Taffy Slade
Wednesday, January 27 2010
Hello All, Does anyone know how to add a name on the crew list as when i try and add mine all i get is a blank screen Anyone on the hms cleopatra 65 – 67 Cheers Taffy

Warwick Franklin
Tuesday, January 12 2010
To Paul Brown:
Dear Paul, Thank you very much for downloading the photographs of your father in law Ernie Bell. It is always great to receive WW2 photo’s of personnel who were serving on Cleo at that time. I published your e-mail in the January newsletter but as yet, no one has said that they knew him. Here’s hoping.
Best regards Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

Warwick Franklin
Wednesday, December 30 2009
Dear Paul, Thanks for the message. I was hoping you might want to join the association after I sent you all the bumph etc.. Obviously the offer is still open. We need to have a blitz on recruiting ex frigate Cleo’s because believe it or not, we still have more cruiser that frigate members. Many of our more senior members are now in their late 80’s! At only �6 per year, with a 22 page newsletter thrown in every 3 months, its is definately worth it.
Best regards
Warwick Franklin
Honorary Secretary

Paul Harding
Tuesday, December 22 2009
Merry Christmas All, I have recently been going through my old photo albums and came across quite a few of the Cleo, they bring back some good memories, so loaded some to the website. I was one of a number of the 4th Frigate Squadron who was drafted to the Submarine Service on our return to the UK in 1978, king regards, Paul

Terry Glazier
Wednesday, November 25 2009
Hi Gill, I can confirm the Association would be extremely interested in learning more about the HMS Cleopatra ships bell that you have in your possession. Kind regards
Terry Glazier

Gill Clear
Wednesday, November 25 2009
I have in my possession the ship’s bell for HMS CLEOPATRA, dated 1966. Would this be of any interest to the Association?

Tony ” badger ” Brooks
Tuesday, November 24 2009
Hi There, All the cleo stokers 1977-78 keep burning an turning!!

Warwick Franklin
Wednesday, October 28 2009
Dear Lancelot, I have passed your message on to Commander Tony Rowe.

Warwick Franklin
Wednesday, October 28 2009
Dear Paul I will forward your message to all our members in the January 2010 newsletter. Most of our older members are not on the internet. I know that one of our members called Roy Dummer who was a stoker, served onboard the same time as your father in law and could possibly have known him. In the meantime, those snapshots would be much appreciated if they were displayed on our website.

Mr Paul M Brown
Wednesday, October 28 2009
Hello My Father in Law Ernie Bell ( Dinger)he was a stoker, ending up a Chief Petty officer served on the Cleopatra from 1942 till 1945, I have some pictures taken off Malta whilst under attack from the Lufftwafer, showing bombs hitting the water along side ! amazing for someone in mortal danger calmly taking snap shots, he was on board when they were torpedoed, and went to Philadelphia with the ship.Does any one remember Dinger Bell the Stoker?

Lancelo Wright
Friday, October 23 2009
Please relay to: Commander Tony Rowe, Cdr., RN-ret.
“Hello Captain, it has been 20 years since we last chatted. You asked me to have go at drawing the Cleo, you were to assume command of.”
Best Respect,
Lancelot Wright

Tony Rowe
Tuesday, August 25 2009
Brilliant – this was a wonderful inspiration which has been executed with elan and dash as I would have expected from Old CLEOs.
I am sure that this will give a huge boost to the interest in the Association.
Thank you all who made it possible

Chris (radar) Cookson
Thursday, July 16 2009
Nice one fols , thanks for doing it !